These Pastors are fed up with the current corrupt church system, and are determined to reform the church!
Two Pastors got fed up with false teachers, and teamed up to lead a reformation of the church, promoting a return to the true Gospel. Another Pastor saw the Muslims in his community drawing droves of young black men, and determined to reform his church. A third Minister in training left his denomination because he recognized he could never preach the true Gospel there. A fourth Pastor walked away from his Mega Church after he realized he couldn’t serve God within his corrupt church system.
All over the country, Pastors are getting fed up and fired up! They, like many of us, are fed up with “Business as usual”. Most are doing much good, and some are doing damage. But all of them are exposing corruption within a church that does not want to be reformed. Yet!
Most Organized – The Gospel Coalition
Fed up with erroneous teaching within the American church community, Don Carson and Tim Keller had had enough! They banded together and formed the “Gospel Coalition”, and invited other like minded Pastors to join them in reforming the church. This multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition now counts more than 7,800 churches in their ranks, 55 Counsel Members, and an on-line following of thousands. Their You Tube channel serves to better equip Pastors to preach the true Gospel. And member churches pledge to preach only the true Gospel.
Reformed Manhood
Black Pastor and Theologian Eric Mason noticed that the Muslim Community in his Philadelphia Community was attracting young black men, while the black church was not. Additionally, he realized that much of the Gospel was missing from the church, and that contributed to men leaving the church. What were we (in the Black Church) doing wrong? The answer was, that we were not telling men what their purpose was. This has become a major foundation for Eric Mason’s ministry. He is also active in the Gospel Coalition, recognizing the obvious need to reform the Black Church.
The Last Reformation
Greatly gifted and called of God, Torben Sondergaard was told that he would have to wait decades to get through his denominations formal ordination process. He knew that God had gifted him to do more than just sit around waiting for a bunch of old men to tell him to minister to the lost and broken. So, he set out to establish his own on-line church movement, and now has a following of thousands around the world.
Torben’s videos featured miraculous healings, miraculous conversions, and his revival activities are now featured on many continents. His “Bootcamp” schools serve to equip lay people who are on fire for Jesus to “get out” and make a difference. His organization has a weak organizational structure, but that is the point. The point is to spread the Gospel, not to grow old attending meeting after meeting, or collecting millions upon millions of dollars.
Francis Chan was Pastor of a large Mega Church in California when the light came on for him. He realized that he had a church full of gifted people, but the church was too large for him to disciple them all. Additionally, he saw the excesses of the Pastoral Culture around him, and he did not want to answer to God later should he get corrupted by it. Finally, he was very concerned that the American Church at large had so watered down the Gospel, that churches were filled with people who were destined for Hell, but didn’t know it! So, he walked away from his church! And now he reaches out independently to preach the WHOLE GOSPEL to the lost, and gives lectures on how to reform the church. He has a large and growing on-line following.