Demon Economics
From Adam Smith’s “The Invisible Hand”, Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, so called “Christian” politicians have looked to demonic theories to address our economic issues.
Manufacturing Myth
The propaganda campaigns that have geared up in America over the last few years would make any Soviet era specialist blush. Deception has become so accepted today that it is glorified in television shows such as “Lie to Me”, “Scandal”, and “Leverage”. A new vocabulary regarding specialists (“Spin Doctors”, “Gurus”),
Science Fraud
Most people still have a high regard for scientists, and tend to accept statements by scientific experts as established fact. However, science fraud is growing rapidly in America, and in other parts of the world. And this fact is largely being ignored by the major news media.
The I.Q. Myth
We accept the basic idea that musical skill is multifaceted, and anyone who would try to assign a single number, or even two numbers to musical skill would be laughed at. The same is true of athleticism. We intuitively understand that there is a difference between being strong, being quick,