Learning the Wrong Lessons
Its not about knowledge, and its not about power or success. Its about relationship and submission. However, we keep learning the wrong lessons because we keep taking the Devil at his word.
Destroying the Earth
Evangelicals have joined with politicians who pursue policies that are wreaking havoc on God’s creation. In violation of the very first commandment.
Its All Up To You!
The “personal responsibility” Gospel is an American creation that turned Jesus’ Gospel on its head.
Tired of Waiting
We live in a time when the bride should be preparing herself for the return of her groom, but the bride is tired of waiting. Christ’s Impatient Bride
Priesthood of Believers
1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
Repentance is for Members Only
There is an epidemic of sexual immorality among the leadership of the church. Shh! Don’t tell anyone!…
The Sons of Eli
The sons of Eli, as described in the book of 2 Samuel, typify all too many Pastors in today’s church. Getting fat off the people’s tithes, committing sexual sins that cause the Lord’s name to be spoken in vain, they could have stepped directly out of many of today’s pulpits.
The Veil Has Been Torn!
Matthew 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; A Direct Path To God Prior to Jesus’ death on the cross, the people had a labyrinth path to go to in
Spotting Contradictions
Many of the teachings in the church and in society today are blatantly contradictory, but we often fail to see the contradictions. That is because we have become conditioned to accept that which is wrong as somehow acceptable, even when it contradicts what we know to be right.
Jesus Was Poor, But He Wants You To Be Rich
Jesus said that He has nowhere to lay his head, but somehow we are to believe that He wants Televangelists to have luxury jet aircraft, live in mansions, and drive expensive automobiles.