Women Are More Mature
The idea that women are inherently more mature than men is not new. It is based upon the idea that women are smarter than men, and commit fewer sins. This unscriptural doctrine has taken hold, is spreading, and is ruining black relationships.
The American Church is Dying
Back porch preacher preaching at me Acting like he wrote the golden rules Shaking his fist and speeching at me Shouting from his soap box like a fool Come Sunday morning he’s lying in bed With his eye all red, with the wine in his head Wishing he was dead
Getting Back to Basics
#1: First Know Who You Are As counter intuitive as this is, we cannot solve any problem if we don’t KNOW WHO WE ARE! Why? Because if you don’t know who you are, you will never know why you want what you want. If you don’t know who you are,
It Starts With Identity
First Know Who You Are As counter intuitive as this is, we cannot solve any problem if we don’t KNOW WHO WE ARE! Why? Because if you don’t know who you are, you will never know why you want what you want. For example, if you don’t know who you
It’s Not That Complicated
The church took a Gospel that Jesus entrusted to fishermen, and turned it into a message that requires a Phd.
Money Answers All
Church teachings emphasize finances and career as the foundation for the family. This is nowhere in the Bible.
Bible Gymnastics Is Normal
Bible Gymnastics is the process of piece-mealing single scripture verses, as opposed to reading them in the context of surrounding text.
Black Men Need Fixing
Years ago a popular preacher began teaching that black men were “broken”. It made the KKK proud.
The Young Man Stigma
I sat in two recent Sunday services, and tried to view the service through the eyes of a young black man. I saw up on the screen images of “college students” showing off their college T-shirts. All of the dozen or so “students” were young women. The following week, they
Demon Economics
From Adam Smith’s “The Invisible Hand”, Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, so called “Christian” politicians have looked to demonic theories to address our economic issues.