Muddy Waters
Don’t blame your Pastor for teaching error. Dr. Price found that some of his reference books were tainted by racism.
Materially Wealthy, Spiritually Bankrupt
We look good. Real good. But like the church at Laodicea, our material wealth is not reflected in our spiritual wealth.
Black Men Are Immature
Facing a racist justice system, and disrespect in the church, older black men look to Islam for respect.
The Censored Bible
Many Bible based truths have been censored by the modern church because they threaten American values, traditions, or corrupt institutions.
Non-Prophet Organizations
Recently, a prophet appeared out of nowhere to warn a prominent Pastor during a sermon. He was quickly ejected
Widows Should Pay
Jesus fought the Pharisees and Lawyers 2000 years ago, and they’re back with a vengeance! But their games are not new.
Grace Costs You Nothing
God calls all men everywhere to repent of your sins. However, the modern message is only believe and be baptized.
Freedom Of Preach
The idea that Pastors are free to preach whatever they want to preach is a well kept myth.
Fed Up And Fired Up Pastors!
These Pastors are fed up with the current corrupt church system, and are determined to reform the church!
Young Black Men Are Trouble
Today’s Black Church believes they are telling young black men, “We Want You Too”. But the “too” says it all. And thats the part that rings loudest in their ears. Stigmatized as second class and trouble prone by the Black Church, young black men are migrating to the Muslim religion.