Black Church Myths
Its All Up To You!
The “personal responsibility” Gospel is an American creation that turned Jesus’ Gospel on its head.
Repentance is for Members Only
There is an epidemic of sexual immorality among the leadership of the church. Shh! Don’t tell anyone!…
Black Men Are Immature
Facing a racist justice system, and disrespect in the church, older black men look to Islam for respect.
Freedom Of Preach
The idea that Pastors are free to preach whatever they want to preach is a well kept myth.
Young Black Men Are Trouble
Today’s Black Church believes they are telling young black men, “We Want You Too”. But the “too” says it all. And thats the part that rings loudest in their ears. Stigmatized as second class and trouble prone by the Black Church, young black men are migrating to the Muslim religion.
Women Are More Mature
The idea that women are inherently more mature than men is not new. It is based upon the idea that women are smarter than men, and commit fewer sins. This unscriptural doctrine has taken hold, is spreading, and is ruining black relationships.
Money Answers All
Church teachings emphasize finances and career as the foundation for the family. This is nowhere in the Bible.
Black Men Need Fixing
Years ago a popular preacher began teaching that black men were “broken”. It made the KKK proud.
Human Wisdom Welcome Here
The church has become polluted by two things. What it let in (secularism), and what it left out (the pure Gospel).
Be “All That You Can Be”
The Satanic “Human Potential Movement” of the 1950s, rejected by churches in the past, has now gone mainstream.
Real Men Eat Quiche
The church celebrates the qualities of womanhood, but not manhood, no wonder its men cannot stand up and be men.